Monday, June 11, 2007

Whom do you Trust

The question of the day is: Do I trust me or do I trust Him? The answer should be obvious. But to me, it isn’t always perfectly clear. God wants me to trust HIM, to trust HIS heart, to trust He will do what He wants to do. He wants me to be okay with His methods, His timing, His patience, His gifts, or His judgment. God does not prefer me to get an idea in my head and then run with it.

Sometimes, my ideas do “come from God”. By that I mean, even though they are smeared with my own prejudices, God initiated them. Example: God led me to my wife. God initiated it, but just because He set it up, doesn’t mean that I will treat her perfectly or she will do likewise.

This is where I stumble often: The attitude of trying to accomplish things (no matter how godly or great) in my own strength just because I think God is leading me to do it.

I have realized I have an over-emphasis in MY ability to follow God rather than on God’s ability to lead me. He’s the Good Shepherd. That means, NOT ONLY is he a loving, caring shepherd, but that Jesus is very GOOD at leading.

When a sheep is lost, it’s LOST. That means it cannot find it’s way back. That is the time the sheep needs a good shepherd to find it. The humble heart sees itself in this light. Most of the time I am lost in one way or another and I am dependent on God to reach me and get me back to His will and His ways.

See, one attitude says, “I’m going to follow God and do right.” And the other says, “I’m lost without Him, I’m going to trust that He can find a way to lead me and get me to his will.” Both want to do God’s best but the second is not confused about the source of that ability.

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