Friday, June 1, 2007

Putting Myself on the Altar

Romans 12.1 , “ Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your reasonable act of worship.”

There are a lot of things I do which I would consider “not sin” or “no big deal” but they are things I like to do. What if some of those things I do are actually separating me from God and His best for me? Again, these are not sinful things, just things I fill up my time with (God give us all things for our enjoyment, right?)

My own personal example is the XBOX.

What if all my playing of XBOX (or eating out at dinner, or this certain hobby, or reading the sports page) was taking me away from God? I think this is where the “Living Sacrifice” thing comes in. I’m not going to earn more of God’s love if I give up more things but I ask myself again: Am doing God’s best thing right now? This is a difficult discipline to maintain.

As a Living Sacrifice, I put myself on that Altar.

I’m not one of these people who things that to please God you have to be on a street corner preaching. Indeed this may be the worst thing depending on the circumstances, in my opinion. We go where we are led.

The question I am driving towards is this: Am I open to not doing the things I want to do, so I can do the things He wants me to do?

I might also aks: Am I open to not NUMBING myself (on all the good things of life) so I can feel a little of God’s pain for this world?

Lord help me to stop and listen. Help me to not just do the “next thing”. Help me to be open to your interruptions.

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